
Showing posts from April, 2021

Miles Apart Final Project

This is the link to my final project.

Creative Reflection

 How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? How did your production skills develop throughout this project? How did you integrate technologies- software, hardware and online- in this project?

Rough Edit

This rough edit was used to block my scenes together so that I could get a general idea of what my final film opener would look like. It made me realize that the scene with Beth was unnecessary and would waste time and film space. Following that, I used the rough edit to keep track of the shots and edits I wanted to complete.

Location and Filming

 What locations are you using? I will be using my grandpas room and my house. How long do you think it'll take you to film? I think it will take about 1-2 hours to get my film done. Who are your subjects? My cast list contains just my family because of COVID I did not want to use anybody outside of my home.  What do you think your process for directing and filming will be in the context of COVID-19? Since my film features people I see and interact with on a daily basis, the process of directing and filming with COVID-19 should be easy.

Opening Scene

I realized that my first storyboard revealed too much information about my story. I wanted to mix it up and make it a little more random. Amber gave Ethan a gift for their two-year anniversary in my opening scene. To demonstrate that they are in a partnership or have a bond with one another. To present the gift exchange in that scene, I used a soothing and calming tone.  The first scene introduced the main character, set the tone, and established the atmosphere without disclosing major plot points.

Brainstorming Process

  What was the process of creating the storyboard like? Did it confirm or refute your initial thoughts for what the video intro would look like? Did you iterate on your idea? Are there any additional things you added, or aspects that you've taken away?  The process of creating the storyboard was little difficult for me because I wasn't introducing my characters and setting. It toke me a while to understand what that meant. Creating a storyboard did help me to visualize how I would set up my actual film. It guided me, and showed me where certain part of my film would go as I started to edit it. No, I changed a far things up to better my film. Yes, I took away Beth's scene because I wanted the film to be about Ethan and Amber. 

Learning to Storyboard

I started working on a trailer for my film and learned how to storyboard for my final project. While storyboarding, I learned what to pay attention to little details. I learn that what to include and what not include for example, setting and characters. Those two things need to be included because they are to be introduced to the audience. What doesn't need to be included is your full story.  

Blog Post

  Why did you decide to complete this task? Talk specifically about what are some of your initial concepts and what you've learned from the class so far.  I decided to complete this because I wanted to learn something different and that's what I did. I learned a few things throughout this course. This task has taught me how film with angles, media text, and elements of narrative. I also learned the use of camera angles and how they are shown throughout movies but I did not see those movements until there until I learn about media studies. I learned the elements of narrative which are plot, character, conflict, and setting. These are what shape the story entire work. 

The Dark Night Political Ideologies Reflection

  The joker's face reflects the joker's wish to be remembered by the people of Gotham despite being handled harshly. The batman card reflects Batman's ability to be recognized by criminals and the inhabitants of Gotham.  Although Batman tries to do good and assist in the liberation of the capital, his enemy, the Joker, is continuously creating mayhem, culminating in a war of good against bad. It's more like a never-ending war of good vs bad, analogous to the United States' new political structure. Batman is a solitary hero facing a slew of villains and enemies. Using the "joker" as an example, one might argue that the United States' modern government system is a farce in which many people who wish to do evil are elected to "run" the show in the same manner that the villains want to run Gotham City. It also motivates those who really wish to see a positive result to battle the scheme.

Slavoj Zizek vs. Stuart Hall

 Slavoj Zizek Zizek believes media text controls us and we have no control over the actions we take because of our engagement with media text. Media industries maintain the status quo. There will never be any real change unless it can be commodified. Point to take from Zizek's second Argument- in order for things to run effectively, you have to lie and tell that lie over and over again until it becomes a part of society's identity.   Zizek- everything has an underlying meaning.  Stuart Hall's Reception Theroy Dominant readings- how the producer wants the audience to view the main text.  Oppositional reading- the audience rejects the preferred reading and creates their own meaning for the text. Negotiated reading- a compromise between the dominant and oppositional readings, where the audience accepts part of the producer's views but has their own views on parts as well. Do you agree with Zizek's view on viewing media text or Hall's view on interpreting media text