Slavoj Zizek vs. Stuart Hall
Slavoj Zizek
Zizek believes media text controls us and we have no control over the actions we take because of our engagement with media text. Media industries maintain the status quo. There will never be any real change unless it can be commodified. Point to take from Zizek's second Argument- in order for things to run effectively, you have to lie and tell that lie over and over again until it becomes a part of society's identity.
Zizek- everything has an underlying meaning.
Stuart Hall's Reception Theroy
Dominant readings- how the producer wants the audience to view the main text.
Oppositional reading- the audience rejects the preferred reading and creates their own meaning for the text.
Negotiated reading- a compromise between the dominant and oppositional readings, where the audience accepts part of the producer's views but has their own views on parts as well.
Do you agree with Zizek's view on viewing media text or Hall's view on interpreting media text?
I concur with Hall's theory that the production company encodes messages and ideals into their media, which the viewers then decode. For example, some people may not agree with the content of online gaming, and yet we still admire them and continue to play them. "The media text" refers to any production company we wish to examine. The audience does not accept the author's viewpoint on the film's concept or the subject it addresses. Media text is essentially named in terms of specific things that an individual might be interested in. For example, if anybody prefers to buy a book, magazine, or newspaper they want to be educated, but if they sports, watch sports, and play sports those individuals want to be entertained while reading.
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